Interdisciplinary Studies Center for Integrated Natural Resources and Environment Management
- +63 49 536 5314
- [email protected]
As a modality for environment and natural resources (ENR) management and development, INREM espouses integrative, holistic, systemic, participatory and transdisciplinary approaches and tools in promoting the twin goals of sustainable economic development and environmental stability. The INREM subscribes to the comprehensive analysis of problems and formulation of solutions in the ENR sector and how these interact with the drivers of change within and outside of the physical and socio-political boundaries of the sector. It also recognizes the interconnectivity of forests with agroecosystems, coastal and marine ecosystems and other terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems mainly through the fluxes of water, nutrients, energy and pollutants. It recognizes further the multiplicity of function and purpose of forests and other natural resources and the essentiality of balancing between the protection and production functions and purposes in order to achieve sustainability. Lastly, the successful practice of INREM is anchored on the participation and involvement of the various stakeholders in the full cycle of project development and management and by the concerted efforts of experts from various disciplines to provide ample informational, technological and professional resources.
Contact Information
Parent Unit: CFNR- DO
1F Tamesis Building, CFNR, UPLB, College, Laguna
+63 49 536 5314