Supply and Property Management Office


The SPMO operates under the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Administration. Broadly, its stated functions per 996th BOR meeting dated February 24, 1987 and EO No. 99-2 dated July 12, 1999 are: – To procure and issue supplies and materials; – To maintain and control inventory records on properties; – To effect systematic and coordinated transfer of supplies, equipment and materials from one person/unit to another; – To sell and dispose of supplies, materials and equipment which are obsolete, condemned or surplus; – To conduct biddings for the disposition of disposable property and develop standard and criteria for determining their utility; – To administer and provide supply and property management services to all units of UPLB; and – To coordinate, perform or assign to other competent units, the purchasing, storage, standardization of specification, property utilization, disposition and accountability insofar as there will be consistent of effectiveness, efficiency, economy.

Contact Information

Parent Unit: OVCA
Rambutan Road, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna 4031
+63 49 536 2282 | +63 49 536 2281